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040 - Removing Reflections on Glasses

Dealing with reflections on glasses can be challenging when photographing subjects wearing them. Is there an effective way to remove those reflections?

While Photoshop offers AI tools to remove reflections, the results may not always appear natural. A simpler and more effective solution lies in preparation during the shoot.

Here's how:

  1. Take an additional photo of the subject without their glasses. Ensure the lighting and angle of the face remain identical to the photo with glasses.

  2. In post-processing, cut out the portion of the photo without glasses containing the eyes.

  3. Overlay this cutout onto the photo with glasses. Using masking tools, blend the eyes from the reflection-free image onto the face with glasses.

And that’s it! You’ll have a natural-looking image of your subject wearing glasses without distracting reflections.

At the top is the photo without glasses, and at the bottom is the photo where the glasses have an obvious detracting reflection.

This is the finished photo. The reflection on the glasses is no longer present.

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